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Obtaining a master’s degree can be an arduous but rewarding goal. To get a master’s degree is a goal many professionals strive for.
With a master’s degree, your career path will take a new trajectory. This is a trajectory that will help you be as successful and respected as possible in your career path.
By having a master’s degree, so many opportunities will open up to you in your life, both professional and personal.
A person with a master’s degree is likely to earn roughly $1,300 more a month than a person with only a bachelor’s degree in a similar field. See our ranking of the highest paying Master’s degrees. A master’s degree allows you to garner more respect from your employers. You’ve also had a longer time to build up a portfolio of professional connections by networking via your graduate degree.
But it doesn’t come down to just the money to earn a graduate degree. There are many different reasons for earning a master’s degree. This list will outline 10 of the top reason why you should get a master’s degree!
But the most important thing you should know is this. Master’s degrees, whether in physics, business administration, or anything else, are wise!
What is a Master’s Degree?
Before we dive into why get a master’s degree and why earning a master’s degree is a good idea, let’s answer one essential question. What is a master’s degree and why is a master’s degree important?
A master’s degree is an advanced graduate degree that builds upon the knowledge and skills acquired in an undergraduate program. Individuals who get a master’s degree often do so:
- to pursue a specific area of interest
- to prepare for a career change
- to enhance their earnings potential.
Earning a master’s degree requires a significant investment of time and money. But the potential rewards can be significant if you choose to get a master’s degree.
Master’s degree holders enjoy greater job security and earn higher salaries than their counterparts with only an undergraduate degree. In addition, a master’s degree can open the door to new career opportunities and provide the opportunity to develop new skills. Earning a master’s degree is often a wise investment for those looking to improve their long-term prospects.
What Does a Masters Degree Do?
So who gets master’s degree? Lots of people! Here’s why you might want to get a master’s degree.
A master’s degree is an advanced degree that one can earn after completing an undergraduate degree. A master’s degree typically takes two years of full-time study to complete and often requires a thesis or research project.
Master’s degrees are offered in a variety of academic disciplines. They can lead to careers in teaching, research, or a range of other professional fields.
Some people get a master’s degree to pursue a career change. Others may continue on to get a PhD or another graduate degree. In any case, a master’s degree can open up new doors and opportunities.
1. Practical Applications
The practical applications of earning a master’s degree are numerous. For instance, there are a lot of jobs that require you to get a master’s degree before you can even be employed in that sector. Examples include doctors and lawyers.
Obtaining a master’s degree means spending more time in school. Here, you can network and make life-long business connections. The more business connections you have at your disposal, the easier and more rewarding your professional life can be. Master’s degrees open many doors.
Business connections can help you find a better job. They can also give you advice and help guide your career towards a more fruitful path. Anything that you can do to make your professional life easier and more rewarding is positive. The impact on your life will be astounding if you get a master’s degree.
Practicality is something that most people usually don’t think about. But it’s such an important part of any task! Practical application is the use of something for a reasonable purpose.
With your master’s degree in hand, you can achieve almost anything in your career.
Fun Fact: People who got the most results out of networking during their education say they participated more in “face-to-face” networking at school. That’s as opposed to online networking. So is a master’s degree worth it? Going to graduate school absolutely is worth it!
2. You Get to Learn More About What You Love
Most people who want to earn a master’s degree are doing so because it’s in a field that they genuinely love. A master’s degree in the field that most suits your passion in life is a great stepping-stone towards your goals. A master’s program at a good graduate school offers a lot more learning experiences than just an associate’s or bachelor’s degree program.
Learn more about what you love! This is how you nurture that love. You can let it blossom into a rewarding career that you can take pride in. You will gain niche knowledge that other people in your field might not know. This will give you an edge. At the same time it will bring you closer to the heart of your field.
You won’t just be learning the general basics in your field. You will also be doing advanced work and research into niche areas. A person with a career in biology, for example, might choose to earn their master’s degree in botany or virology. Botany and virology are different niches that both fall under the biology umbrella.
Fun Fact: The average full-time student will earn their Master’s degree in 1.5 to 2 years. Some students take longer due to their schedule restrictions. Check out our list of the Fastest Online Master’s Degree Programs.
3. Research Opportunities

Thinking of signing up for a master’s program, particularly in a science-related field? You will gain a unique opportunity to do research into niche topics that interest you. Lab and research experiences are a powerful and compelling way to learn all the subtleties about your field.
As an added bonus, you will gain access to more high-tech gadgets to use in your research. This allows you to become familiar with some tools that you might need to use after graduation. You’ll gain familiarity with tools that you wouldn’t otherwise have had access to with a bachelor’s or associate’s degree. It means you’re more qualified for better paying and more rewarding jobs over those that don’t have a master’s degree.
Does lab work and research pique your interest? Or do you just want to learn everything you can about your subject? If so, getting a master’s is the perfect way to gain these experiences.
Research opportunities often offer students stipends to help pay for living expenses and tuition. This feature will be covered more in-depth later in this list. Research opportunities also afford students real-world experience that can diversify their accomplishments and background. This can help them have a stronger resume after graduation than other students might have.
Fun Fact: A master’s degree in a field such as archaeology, paleontology, immunology, epidemiology or other research dependent fields is smart. Plus, it can offer you a chance to travel around the globe. See our list of the Most Popular Master’s Degree Programs.
4. Sense of Accomplishment
Earning a master’s degree is something that is viewed as a challenge by many people. As such, it is viewed by those same people to be a major accomplishment.
Getting your master’s degree can boost your self-esteem and your sense of self-worth. You’ve put forth the effort and time and worked hard to achieve this goal. Not everyone is able to achieve that.
Having a higher self-esteem and sense of self-worth is an incredible feeling. It has been proven by science to increase not only your quality of life but also your relative sense of quality of life.
Despite financial security, if a personal has low self-esteem, they will view their life as being less fulfilling and comfortable than what it actually is. That’s purely because of their outlook on who they are as a person. Being able to achieve something of this magnitude, however, will help you have a brighter outlook on life. This goes a long way towards having a better life.
Fun Fact: When a person’s self-esteem is higher, they are less affected by stress and anxiety. They experience rejections and failures as less hurtful. They recover from them more quickly.
5. Increased Respect and Credibility
Many corporations view a master’s degree as a strong testament to a person’s character and capabilities. As such, they are more willing to trust these individuals in positions of power. This includes upper management and executive positions. They understand that obtaining a master’s degree is a respectable achievement. It proves that an individual is capable of setting a goal, following through with the goal and getting the results they want.
It also shows that an individual is equipped with all of the knowledge and skill set that they will need in these management positions. Holding a master’s degree is an excellent way to garner the respect and credibility that most people have to fight to obtain. A master’s degree is a great way to say, “Hey, I worked really hard to prove myself as a capable and respectable professional.” Employers respond positively to that kind of statement.
A master’s degree will garner you more respect and credibility in your professional life. It will do the same in your personal life. When people find out you have a master’s degree, they view you in a more positive light.
This is because people respond well to the fact that someone achieved a great accomplishment. They did something wonderful and challenging as a way to better their quality of life. They became a more well-rounded individual. Getting a master’s degree is more than just earning a degree. It’s going above and beyond what is expected in the pursuit of knowledge and career advancement. It is viewed by many as a respectable pursuit. They respond as such.
Fun Fact: A master’s degree says a lot about a person’s character and their dedication. Employers will have much more respect for someone who has a master’s. Check out our list of the Best Online Master’s Degree Programs.
6. Free Tuition
Yes, you read that right. Many graduate programs around the country offer stipends for students enrolled in their graduate programs. These stipends can pay for most, if not all, of a student’s graduate program tuition.
Being able to obtain an advanced degree without placing yourself further in debt is an excellent perk of getting your master’s. This is especially true if you’ve made it through your education thus far debt-free.
These stipends are often offered in return for research or apprenticeship master’s degree programs. You will be earning money to pay for your tuition and living expenses in these unique master’s degree programs. But in this master’s degree program, you will also be gaining tangible, marketable real-world experience. This kind of financial aid is unique. Unlike other types of financial aid, it will help you gain valuable job skills, like critical thinking skills. A master’s degree offers great opportunities in this regard, even for the average person.
This kind of financial aid will help with building a resume after graduation. It shows that not only do you have the knowledge required to be an excellent employee. You also have prior experience in a professional setting from this form of financial aid.
An employer would have to provide you with less hands-on training. This makes you less of a risk to hire than someone without a master’s degree would be. This will boost your ability to start your career sooner and in a higher position. It also increases your ability to have more career paths open to you.
Fun Fact: Most graduate programs allow you to do apprenticeship programs to earn your stipend. This enables you to pay for your education. It also allows you to gain real-world hands-on experience in your field. This will help you to secure a job after graduation.
7. Easier to Get a Job After School

This ties into the increased respect and credibility aspect of obtaining your master’s degree. Prospective employers see on your resume that you hold a master’s degree. They are much more likely to give your resume a closer look than resumes of people who don’t hold an advanced degree.
This is going to cause your name and qualifications to stick in their mind when it comes time to actually choose who to hire. If an employer is thinking about you when they are hiring, this increases your odds of being hired over people that are not on the employer’s mind. Employers receive tons of resumes year-round. You have to achieve something that will cause your resume to memorable. You need to stand out!
Fun Fact: Students and professionals understand the value of the master’s in today’s job market. They are more often using the degree to stand out in the competitive search process.
8. Career Advancement
Having your master’s degree will open up so many opportunities in your career that wouldn’t otherwise be presented to you. This is due to your employers being willing to trust you with more responsibilities. An employer knows they can trust you to accomplish the things that they assign to you. They can assign to you more time-sensitive projects or projects that require a higher level of intelligence. Then, you’re much more likely to be promoted to a higher rung on the corporate ladder.
Obtaining your master’s degree is a good way to prove to them that they can indeed assign you these types of projects. They can trust you to follow through with your responsibilities. Earning a master’s degree is a large task. If you’re capable of achieving this task, employers will view you as a more capable employee than some of their other employees.
Career opportunities will be a lot better and more varied for you than they would be without having a master’s degree. It puts you on the fast-track for success. Others have to put in a lot more time in their career just to prove that they are capable and respectable employees. But with a master’s degree you will already have an achievement that proves all of these things. It will take less time to earn a master’s degree than it would to prove these things with just your work history.
You will be able to achieve the position in your career that you want and deserve much sooner. You have made yourself more marketable. You have shown yourself to be a capable professional who goes the extra mile for your career.
Fun Fact: A master’s degrees has become the de-facto credential for leadership roles in many companies.
9. Greater Possibility for a Career Change
Another great benefit of earning your master’s degree is the versatility. You will be qualified for the niche field that your master’s degree is in. It will also qualify you for a broader spectrum of careers in that career field.
For example if your master’s degree is in business administration, then you are also qualified for almost all office/business-related jobs available out there.
Employers understand that to acquire a master’s degree, a student must learn a broader spectrum of topics on top of learning a specific topic. This means a student who has their master’s degree is more qualified to perform a wider range of jobs.
Versatility is one of the most desirable traits to have. It will allow you to do so much more in life. Holding just a bachelor’s or associate’s degree will tie you down to one career path. And what happens if you don’t enjoy that career path? You would have to go back to school and earn yet another bachelor’s or associate’s degree for a different field. Unless you hold a master’s!
A master’s degree makes you more marketable. This is what separates successful individuals from unsuccessful ones. If someone is unsuccessful in their career path or dissatisfied, it’s usually because they are not as marketable and versatile.
Being able to show employers that you are capable of performing a wide-range of tasks is vital. It will cause them to want to hire you and have you fill a role in their corporation. Often, that comes with more responsibility. This enables you to advance further and faster than you might otherwise be able to do.
Fun Fact: In 2012, the Master of Business Administration degree surpassed the Master of Education degree. It is the most popular master’s degree program in the United States. See 50 Best Online Master of Education Degree Programs.
10. Higher Earning Potential

We saved the most obvious reason for obtaining a master’s degree for last. A higher earning potential!
With a higher earning potential, your quality of life can be greatly increased. It’s sad but true. Money makes the world turn! Those who have the ability to earn more often have a more positive outlook on life.
You will be able to achieve a higher rate of pay and a more desirable position with a master’s degree. It shows employers that you are a low-risk, high-yield employee. You’ve proven you are a capable professional equipped with all the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in your field. And, as such, you are much more likely to be able to provide a company with positive results. They don’t have to spend time training you and then hoping you will be a capable employee. You have already proven yourself a capable employee and you will need less training.
Employers are much more likely to place you in a higher position starting out. This means an increase in pay. You will also have higher earning potential. You will be able to advance further in your career. So in life who gets masters degree? Anybody who wants to earn more and be happier!
Fun Fact: On average, individuals with a master’s degree make $17,000 more annually than a person with a bachelor’s.
More Reasons to Consider Earning a Master’s
Here are a few more reasons why master degree is important for many people.
Lets You Prepare for a Doctorate
At most schools, a bachelor’s degree is the only degree required to earn a doctorate. However, many people choose to get a master’s degree before they enter a doctoral program.
There are several reasons why this may be the case. First, a master’s degree provides students with additional training in their field of interest. This can be especially beneficial for students who are interested in research or teaching at the collegiate level.
A master’s degree can also help students stand out when applying to competitive doctoral programs. Pursuing a master’s degree may give students a better chance of being admitted to and succeeding in a doctoral program.
Allows for Travel
A master’s degree is an advanced academic degree that is typically earned after completing a bachelor’s degree.
Master’s degrees can be earned in a variety of different fields. They are most commonly associated with business administration and management. While a master’s degree may not be required for some jobs, it can offer a number of benefits, including the ability to travel.
Many master’s programs require students to complete an internship or international experience. This is part of their studies. This can provide an opportunity to learn about new cultures and see the world. At the same time, they are developing professional skills. A master’s degree can open doors to new career opportunities. This makes it easier to find a job that offers the chance to travel. For anyone who is looking to combine their love of travel with their career aspirations, a master’s degree can be an excellent option.
Gives You Access to University Resources

A undergraduate degree is a valuable asset. But in today’s competitive job market, it is often not enough. If you are looking to change careers or advance in your current field, a master’s degree can give you the edge you need.
A master’s degree also gives you access to the resources of a university. This includes:
- libraries
- research facilities
- experienced faculty members who can provide guidance and support
If you are considering returning to school for a master’s degree, remember that financial aid is available. This can help you cover the cost of tuition. With careful planning, a master’s degree can help you achieve your career goals.
How to Find the Right Master’s Degree
A bachelor’s degree used to be the standard for most jobs. But now, many employers are looking for candidates with a graduate degree. With so many different types of master’s degrees available, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you.
Here are some tips to help you find the right master’s degree for your career goals.
First, consider only accredited programs. There are many diploma mills that claim to offer legitimate degrees. But these degrees are not recognized by most employers. Make sure you only consider accredited programs when choosing a master’s degree.
Next, narrow your focus to the type of degree that will help you achieve your career goals. If you want to become a research scientist, for example, you will need a different type of degree than someone who wants to become a teacher. Do your research. Make sure the program you choose will give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in your chosen field.
Finally, don’t forget to consider the cost of the program. Master’s degrees can be expensive. Make sure you have a plan for how you will finance your education. Look for scholarships, grants, and other financial aid options that can help reduce the cost of attendance. By following these tips, you can find the right master’s degree to help you reach your career goals.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Masters Degree?
For many people, a master’s degree is the next logical step after earning a bachelor’s degree. But how long does it take to get a master’s degree?
The answer depends on a number of factors, including the type of degree you’re pursuing and your area of specialization.
Doctoral degrees generally take longer to complete than master’s degrees. They require more advanced research and a deeper level of specialized knowledge. However, in many cases, the extra years spent pursuing a doctoral degree can lead to better job prospects and higher earnings.
The decision of how long to spend in school comes down to weighing the costs and benefits of each option.
Should I Get a Master’s Now – or Start Working?
Going back to school to earn a master’s degree is a big decision. There are many factors to consider. You’ll want to think about your field of study, and whether you want to go back full time or part time.
Also ask if it’s the right time for you.
However, there are also many benefits to earning a master’s degree. For example, a master’s degree can help you qualify for jobs that you wouldn’t be able to get with just a bachelor’s degree.
It can also give you the opportunity to specialize in a particular area of interest. Going back to school can help you network with other professionals in your field.
Only you can decide whether getting a master’s degree is the best way for you to further your career. But if you’re committed to making the most of your education, going back to school may be the right choice for you.
Final Thoughts
Why get a master’s degree? Hopefully, the answer is now clear.
We hope you have found this list helpful and insightful. Earning a master’s degree is an all around positive thing that you can do. It will improve your quality of life, and we hope you take the first steps towards doing so.